Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Appetite For Risk

It’s a financial term, but I like it. It has been floating around in my head quite a lot lately in regards to the creative process and relationships that exist within creative teams and between agencies and clients. To share the same appetite for risk as your client and team is a great thing.

Although it is a preconception that the client has the lowest appetite for risk (the most to lose), then the agency, and finally the consumer, I think sometimes agencies underestimate how far a client wants to push their brand. But most times I think we underestimate how much the consumer thirsts for something new. Something insightful, inspiring, informative or shocking. Something that requires some risk to produce.

However, the Snickers Spot with the mechanics kissing (and then tearing out their chest hair in an act of manliness) pushed a few buttons at the Superbowl amongst pride groups. Something about the innocuousness of it makes me think the whole thing is just a brilliant PR move though…