Friday, March 09, 2007

Copywriters From Small Agencies

If you are in the market for a freelance copywriter, you might want a writer that has experience working for a small agency.


At small agencies copywriters often handle more than just the writing. They have to wear many hats, including production, strategy and accounts. A bit of experience in these departments is nice because:

1. Your project will get finished on time and on budget
2. You will have creative that reinforces the strategy and not the other way around
3. Your writer will have a better understanding of what the client wants
4. Client-focus and reliability

At a small shop copywriters also have less luxury to be offbeat, so they focus more on concepts that will build business, immediately.

5. Results, results, results

Copywriters at small agencies are also familiar with small clients. The demands of a startup are much different than those of a multi-national, and their communications has to be as well.

6. They know where you are coming from

So if you are looking for a copywriter for a project, click here to send me an email (off to the left) English copywriter link or contact mike_catherall (at) yahoo (dot) ca.